A Statement Condemning Racism, Christian Nationalism, and Political Violence

As a research institution advancing constructive social change, Omega Graduate School, the American Centre for Religion/Society Studies (ACRSS), unequivocally condemns all forms of racism, all manifestations of “Christian nationalism”, the conflation of religious language and symbols with hate speech, and all political violence as incompatible with our institutional Core Values and our Solidarity of Faith statement.

We pray for all those in public service, for national healing, and for our responsible contribution of sociological research for the common good.

Dr. David Anderson, Chancellor
Dr. Joshua Reichard, President/CEO
Dr. Gary Nicholds, Chairman of the Board of Regents
Dr. Hollis L. Green, Founder and Chancellor Emeritus


A Response to Black Lives Matter and Wisdom on How to Extend Grace to Those Who Are Different From You

In addition to our statement, please consider watching OGS Chancellor Dr. David Anderson’s gracious response to the Black Lives Matter movement as he shares his thoughts with Focus on the Family: