Our Educational Philosophy
A Philosophy and Policy for Faculty-Student Relationships and Upholding the Academic Values of Omega Graduate School
Adopted by the Board of Regents, April, 2020
Omega Graduate School affirms an atmosphere of academic safety (“a safe place to think”) which promotes respect for human dignity, synergistic relationships, and personalized learning. Omega Graduate School does not tolerate disrespect or mistreatment of its students, faculty, administration, or stakeholders. Omega Graduate School affirms the autonomy of adult learners within reasonable boundaries of an accredited graduate institution and seeks to consistently affirm the goals, objectives, and creativity of adult learners in its programs, courses, and classrooms. Faculty are expected to strive to foster the individual goals of adult learners within the boundaries of established program and course outcomes.
Omega Graduate School affirms andragogy as a learning methodology, which includes a focus primarily on the educational process rather than academic content. Andragogy (Knowles, 1984) encompasses the following principles: (1) Adult Learning must be relevant, (2) Adult Learning should be experiential, (3) Adult Learning should be driven toward problem-solving, and (4) Adult Learners thrive when learning has immediate value. Based upon these principles, Omega Graduate School rejects any educational practices that inhibit the academic and professional respect of the adult learners who have entrusted their graduate education into the care of our institution.
We recognize that adult learners choose our institution to serve their needs and our orientation toward students is motivated by a philosophy of Servant Leadership. While we understand that faculty may fall short of this ideal, we will use this philosophy and policy as a measure of faculty performance. In cases where experiences have interpreted as violations of this philosophy or policy, students may engage in due process as stated in the Catalog, and inasmuch as possible, Omega Graduate School commits to strive toward mutually beneficial reconciliation in the spirit of Christian love.
This Educational Philosophy informs the internal policies of Omega Graduate School with regards to faculty-student interactions, grading, and assignment design, delivery, and differentiation. These policies are documented in the Faculty Handbook. Student related policies, such as “Due Process” can be found in the Catalog.